Sunday, 28 December 2008
For the record
We have 134 hours on the electronic hours counter I fitted at the early part of 2008.
I checked the batteries yesterday
After standing for several week
Starter 12.5 volts
Leisure 12.1 volts
On charging
Starter 14.4 volts
Leisure 14.25 volts
After 2 hours under charge
Starter 13.84 volts
Leisure 13.67 volts
Unclean unclean.......
What a bugger, we were thinking of going for a short cruise today but I really don't feel up to it. It gives us a good excuse to just kick back and relax, something we do not do a lot of. I have even finished my latest book, and I take a long time to read a book !
Friday, 26 December 2008
All over bar the shouting....
Monday, 22 December 2008
I'm not dead yet.......

Thursday, 27 November 2008
Excitement at Fradley
The pictures give a good impression of the depth of the canal at the junction. There was no stoppage notice so I presume it was navigable
Fradley had a sunken boat last year about the same time - I only remember as the boat yard were supposed to be working on Waterlily's blacking and got delayed by having to re float a boat in Keepers lock.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Sky +
How do I know all this - there are many like me posting on the internet
So now my box is on all the time, so whatever Sky were trying to do with the upgrade for the standby function - it has not worked and has had the opposite effect as a lot of us Sky + users are leaving their boxes on 24/7
Rant over
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
On our trip back from Great Haywood we were having to put Waterlily in reverse every few hundred yards to clear the leaves. It is amazing how they can interfere with such power and normal reliable forward progress. As we passed the entrance to Kings Bromley marina another boater told us it was like canal soup near Woodend lock.....she was not wrong
The sun was setting as we went through Fradley - anyone who knows Fradley Junction will be aware of the popularity of the moorings opposite the cafe... this was the view as we came down junction lock. Just one boat moored up which was a Shakespeare hire boat.
I know these photo's are not in a sequence time or location wise, but this couple are of some of my favorites parts of the canal just after Rugely overlooking Cannock chase.
It is said........
So yesterday we ended our cruise with a fantastic run back from bridge 70 mooring back to Hunts lock in just under five and a half hours.
But the leaves..........
Monday, 17 November 2008
Just so quiet
We set off Saturday lunch time (cards till 2am and some beer). Rachel did a sterling job of bringing those items I forgot to me before we got past Shadehouse lock. The weather was really nice until mid afternoon wen it started a fine drizzle. We moored up at Bridge 70 and went to the Wolsey pub for a good meal.
Another latish start after another late night 2.30 .... saw up take a wise decision to wind just before Weston on Trent and walk up to the Saracens head for some beer and a pub quiz. The days cruising was notable for the amount of leaves in the cut and how they slow the boat down until a blast of reverse clears them from the swim. We got back to the boat and drank some beer and went through one of those 'topics' card blocks - 5.30 am saw us to bed !!
Today was cold and damp - a big fry up got us sorted for the trip back to bridge 70 after watering at Great Heywood. There is hardly anything moving on the cut, mainly ownerships boats and some private boats - maybe half a dozen all day? All the favorite moorings in this area are free - just 3 boats above the lock at Great Heywood and four below the lock. There is only us and one other private boat on the bridge 70 moorings.
Tomorrow will be a cruise back to Fradley - five hours or so.
For the record Swanline at Fradley are asking for the split when diesel is brought. The guy has a very realistic approach, he knows he will miss other sales (pump outs and gas) if he forces people to falsely declare.
I see many are talking about buying white diesel from forecourts and filling themselves - I fear more pollution will be the inevitable consequence of this, but if it is cheaper?
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Mac Update
However to put it into perspective I have used my windows laptop today, boy does it feel top heavy and slow in comparison. I do like vista - I like the look and functionality, but the only time I have felt comfortable with it was when it was running on my (now sold on) quad core desktop pc. To to get the best out of a standard Vista install - just boot it and go and make a cup of tea !!
So in fact rather than OK above I really rate the Mac, I will keep with it and teach myself more about it as I have done with the many flavours of Windows.
For Uncle Ho.....

Question is, - Decker was he a replicant??
Many thanks for your excellent hospitality, the boat is ready when you are.....
You have got to be joking....
I enjoy boating in all weathers, but driving rain and high winds are the combination that makes it the most challenging and least rewarding.
Sanctuary ;-)
Also I'm still running on New York time - quarter to two in the morning as I type this
But now its back to normality, work on Monday etc etc. Before that we are going to the boat to check her out and turn her around ready for my three men in a boat trip..... next weekend. Its good she is serviced and has a nice new boat safety certifcate. I am glad I did this before the trip abroad
For the weekender we will head up the Trent and Mersey, look out Sanity !!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
So where were you when America voted for its first Black president
It was pretty amazing - 80% of New Yorkers voted for Obama. We cam out of The Phantom of the Opera to the above. The show was also fantastic.
Today has been trips on the river, had some sad reflection at Ground zero and up all 86 floors of the Empire state building.
New York is a place like no other !
From 86 floors up the Empire State building
Monday, 3 November 2008
New York welcomes the Wells's
This is from our hotel room - the Chrysler building and 26 floors up.....
We are at a Broadway show tomorrow night and expect to come out to some celebration !
For all of this I'd still prefer the View Sue has
Good Broadband at our hotel !
Sunday, 2 November 2008
I really am getting younger
Four hours gained by coming to the USA
Last night the US eastern time clocks went back a hour
So today I am 6 hours younger than I was last Saturday ;-)
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Sooooo very far away from the canal
We are in Hopewell NJ at the moment , Princeton later today for a look around then New York its self on Monday.
I am feeling a little guilty typing this as I'm piggybacking of someones broadband.....
It is a very nice areas and all the people we have met to date have been very friendly.
Its the New York Marathon this weekend so that is why we are out of New York, when we go in on Monday it should be long gone - jut the resuts of the presidential election to experience!!
I am missng the canals - Thanks Andy for my 'fix' of images from the autumn cut - loks like you had a good time, and Bruce on Sanity at one of my favourite places on the cut....
I'll drop in a some pics when have a fairer connection to the web,
Thursday, 23 October 2008
A base to build a dream off
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Trent and Mersey blocked

From my rather flippant post yesterday - an update
And more than 50 holiday-makers face having to cancel their boat trips this weekend while the mess is cleaned up.
Fertiliser was dumped into the Trent and Mersey Canal at Stenson on Monday when a tractor and trailer tried to cross a brick bridge running over the waterway.
Part of the bridge, which is on a private road between two farmers' fields, collapsed as the vehicles passed over it.
This caused the trailer to swing down and disconnect from the tractor before crashing into the canal below at about 1.30pm.
The tractor driver, thought to be a contractor, jumped from his cab and was unhurt.
The canal was blocked and British Waterways lifted the trailer from the water yesterday with a crane.
A round-the-clock clean-up operation is under way to clear the fertiliser from the canal.
British Waterways said it did not how long this would take but it was hoped the waterway could reopen by the end of the week.
The organisation also fears the bridge, which is a listed structure, may have to be knocked down if re-building it will not make it safe.
When a structure is listed, it means it is protected and any alterations respect its character. Demolition is allowed only after very careful consideration.
Caroline Killeavy, general manager for British Waterways, said: "The bridge is a listed structure, so if repair work cannot reconstruct the bridge to a safe, usable standard it may have to be knocked down entirely."
Mrs Killeavy said the fertiliser posed little threat to wildlife.
She said: "We caught the spill early and have been monitoring the water and can say there's very little chance of any risk to wildlife."
British Waterways said it would conduct a full investigation into how the accident happened.
But it did say the cause of the collapse was "due to the vehicle colliding with the parapets on the side of the bridge and the excessive load of the vehicle."
The combined weight of the tractor and trailer was 18 tonnes.
Police are not investigating further.
Marion Baldwin, company secretary for Midland Canal Centre, which runs Stenson Marina, said holiday-makers would be affected..
She said: "We get between 30 and 40 boats coming through the canal most days, so already there is quite a pile-up either side of the bridge.
"Not only that, but it doesn't look like the canal will be opened for at least a few days.
"We have over 50 people booked to use boats on the canal at the weekend and many of those will have to cancel because they just won't be able to get through.
"There's also a child's birthday party booked on one of the boats and that won't be able to go ahead, which is a real shame."
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Oh dear I do hope common sense prevails
Monday, 20 October 2008
Three men in a boat
Do you need a Macintosh for the canals

Thursday, 16 October 2008
Caxton gets wet?
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Woodend walk and another blogger spotted
We went up the Trent & Mersey for Leia's (and my) walk rather than off down the Coventry as I could let Leia off with less chance of her meeting a suitor (she is in season) There are still a steady movement of boats, no doubt due in some part to the fact this area seems to have few restrictions under the stoppages.
I like autumn on the canals, most probably more than the other three seasons. The slow down of traffic and the type of traffic (more owners who do not have to be anywhere in a hurry compared to hire boaters who seem always to plan a much bigger journey than is necessary, but I'm sure we have all done it ). Plus the scenery is truly beautiful and humbling, nature has so much control and organisation. Nature seems so happy with the routine of the seasons.
We spotted Sanity mooring up at the junction, well Sheila seems to be working hard - no sign of Bruce. So I can now add them to bloggers boats seen on the cut.
My changes to the boat

I like to see the inners of other peoples boats so get posting .
Anyhow last time I was on Waterlily overnight I wired in the thermostat. I set it as best I could but to a hottish pipe. Today I lit the fire after the boat safety check and left it to see if the thermostat switched on the pump at a reasonable temp - it worked perfectly. It has switched on and off about half a dozen times today with a smallish fire going so it it working as I expected. It means we can leave the system to look after itself overnight.
Another little job done.
I think a dog needs a boat.......
She loves the boat and relaxes very quickly when we come aboard - she has certainly found her place in front of the fire !
She still has ears that belong to another dog.
She is waiting for a walk at the moment - the weather is trying to brighten up - I think a walk down the Coventry might be in order this afternoon, it'll help me walk off my dinner.
Four more years........She passed
All in all a very easy and interesting process. Jeff Greatwood did the examination, I would certainly recommend him, he was very friendly and informative. He answered my many questions and took me through what he was doing and looking for. He commented my gas install was very good, which was what I wanted to hear as I had had Whilton marina replace the gas pipes when Waterlily was purchased.
In fact, on reflection, choosing Waterlily on her specification - not too technical system wise but enough for all year cruising in comfort was a wise decision, well done us !
So she got a clean bill of health on her engine service and inspection and the same for her boat safety. Don't you just know something is lurking, or it that me being too pessimistic?
So now its just cruising we have to do - that and getting her repainted, but that is as much down to a strict savings regime as getting the right person to do it - any recommendations?
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
It got me thinking that we (boaters) should share our knowledge of signals on mobile broadband on the canal. if I was any good I'd write a web site detailing it but I'm not so I won't.
Anyhow for the record Vodafone is not good at Hunts lock - anyone got a 3 mobile or modem to let me know if it's worth me spending 50 quid to get a back up 3 3g dongle??
To Mac and beyond.....
I have messed until I got frustrated to the point I am waiting for a Mac as I'm reliably informed these are the dogs danglies. Bruce on NB Sanity seems to get by on one very well,
I'll let you know when the posts come from the Mac
Sunday, 12 October 2008
One down one to go
I would recommend RCR, very friendly and efficient.
For the record the engine had 111 hours on the clock, I'll use this to look back this time next year (all being well) to see how many hours we managed. I put the engine counter on earlier this year so its not a bad guide to the cruising we have done in 2008.
I booked the inspection with the service as I have the boat safety exam on Wednesday. This is the 4 year MOT. The RCR engineer said the engine and fuel system should pass. The gas system was replaced when we brought the boat as the survey said it was a poor install, so I am hopeful the exam should be OK and by his time next week we will be OK for servicng and other systems for the next year - always a good feeling.
The longer I own Waterllily the more I feel I know her which is confidence inspiring.
I'll post some details on the exam next week........
It is a beautiful day shame I have to return home to 'garden' !!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Another beautiful morning
Once again I'll drop in some photos to show it rather than try to describe it. Anyhow we took a longish walk up to Woodend lock, I was surprised how many boats were moving so early, then again it is Sunday and a beautiful day in store.
This is looking down the Coventry from the junction
This one is up by the turn to Woodend lock, you can see the mist rising with the sun shining through it.
Yesterday was a success in that we got the grass strimmed - a bigger task than it sounds, plus I cleared out the engine bay of all the previous owners stuff - he really was a hoarder. I have put what needs to be kept in the 'shed' and only kept the essential in the engine bay. I am sure it would have failed the boat safety with so many combustible items next to the engine.
While I was doing the strimming Rachel was giving the boat a good vac out with the Dyson and them she rubbed down the areas near the windows that needed a paint and masked and painted them up. This is really just a holding position to get Waterlily through the winter as she really needs a full repaint sooner rather than later. Anyone with recommendations I'd be happy to hear from you.
So off back home shortly to do some pottering there, well as much as I can with the aches the shingles s giving me at the moment.....
Well as it happens we got a text from Rachels sister Sharon asking if we wanted to go for a walk (she dod not know we were on the boat) so we invited Sharon and the family for lunch and a walk from Fradley.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
First autumnal visit
For the record we were on the boat last week 14th September but just for the day - or rather afternoon to check her after the holiday - I'm pleased to report she was fine.
This is the junction early the next day - 7ish It was a nice walk down the Coventry canal
This one shows the beauty of the area as the sun comes up.
So this weekend is for some R&R. I'm typing this after a lovely early morning walk and the fire is on now as I eat my breakfast in absolute tranquility.
Today is boat jobs to get her ready for the boat safety inspection and just prepare her for the winter. We do not leave her over the winter - We enjoy time aboard so its important to have her tip top ready.
Oh and I have just realised I have Shingles !!
Monday, 25 August 2008
Trip details and some photo's
Images are worth a thousand words - and easier to put onto the blog.....
On the way to pick up our crew, just after we have done the Fradley locks
Leia taking an early nap
We were waiting at Sandon lock as the thunderstorm demonstrated the weather to come....
This was the thunderstorm after it had passed us
Colwich lock was not very busy at all - which if you know the route is a good thing
We timed our arrival at Harcastle tunnel perfectly as we were able to water up before we went through. The police helicopter buzzed us most of the way from Festival marina, we found out they were looking for a flasher !
My mum helping us moor up after day three (Leia is standing by waiting to help)
This Rachel taking Waterlily up the Bosley 12 locks, on the tight turn between locks 1 and 2
This shows how stunning the scenery is on the Macc...
There is a Heron in this picture somewhere...
Another nice pic and some blue sky
Some more of the same lovely countryside
This is a moon shot from our moorings above Bosley locks - I still cannot get anywhere close to Andrew Denny's fantastic night shots
My birthday the Fools Nook - very apt and nice meal in a friendly pub
Then back off towards the Trent and Mersey but via this electric swing bridge - following a hen party day boat !
Rachel took this much better photo of Mr (or Mrs) Heron, spot its plastic mate in the reeds
This is one of the Maccs 'snake bridges' designed so the horse does not have to be unhitched when the tow path swaps over
Yours truly looking typically miserable
We were the last boat (just made it) through the Harcastle tunnel. Looking back to the entrance
The Tuesday was very wet. You can see the lock leaking top middle right, normally these leaks stop as the lock empties this one was still running as we left the lock
The rain did stop on the last Tuesday, just in time for a little fishing in the late evening.