As my boat is moored on the Trent & Mersey I started there. However I was disappointed to only get as far as the new Mercia Marina before google maps and ran out of recent images. Mercia is still the trout lake and there is no sign of Great Heywood marina at all !
So these few will do for now - still interesting to see the different layouts. - can you ID them - pretty easy really.
I regularly consider going into a marina. Its interesting that when we first looked there were waiting lists for most - now all seem to have vacancies - even Kings Bromley which is still one of my favourites.
The cost puts me (us) off as does having a potential view of someone else's boat from 6 inches away. At least we have a view 24/7 on our linear mooring.
So we don't have water and electricity to our boat, but as I've blogged about before that would be too much like living at home. I like being on my boat to feel like a balance of resource use v's comfort and cost. After all when we eventually do go extended cruising we will not have the connections and have to protect and be aware of our resources.