Tit on the tiller

Rachel, much more photogenic
What did not go down too well was Rachel leaving the flask full of hot coffee behind at Streethay.
We had a loveley cruise back, stopping off at the cafe at fradley for COFFEE and something to eat while we thawed out. When we returned to the boat the snow was making its full and splendid appearance.
One thing that I do not miss from Comet was her tarpaulin back cover - it took ages to fit, in the snow and with cold hands an even more 'enjoyable' experience.
We waited for the weather to improve before the next visit, armed with cleaning stuff, the Dyson (John had left the honda generator on board) and spent all weekend cleaning her. She had a complete declutter as well, all bits that we could not see a purpose for were disposed of (I think she was a couple of inches higher in the water afterwards.
One disapointment was lighting the boiler and finding the heater spurting water. We did not test it when buying the boat as the water tank was empty. I am sure this was a winter pipe fracture and John the seller was not ware. Bugger !
A post to the canal world discussion forums helped as some kind soul posted the best price for a replacemnt water heater. I contacted Ray again who booked us in and used the contact details to order the heater from Ireland.
My first single handling was taking Comet from Hunts lock to Streehay. I was a little nervous as it was my first time and on a relativly unknown boat (in locks). I should not have worried, the good folk at Canal world gave advice, some contadictory, which started an argument which I left them to finish having gained the good advice.
A week or so later I parked my car at Fradley and cycled the 3 miles, ½ flg to Streehay to pick up Comet and pay an £700 plus bill. I was starting to see how expensive ownership was in comparison to Ownerships
So once again Comet was back home, this time in cruising order... so time for her maiden cruise with us aboard......but that will have to be the next installment.