This big bugger FLEW into our kitchen last week. We thought it was a big moth but it looks like a flying cockroach.... that is a pint glass it is sitting under !!
Even the dog was a bit wary of it.
Any ideas what it is?
I feed off many other canal blogs so I am going to do my bit - it won't be much, and not all canal related, but in the true spirit of blogging.......
First impression was "Screech Beetle" But I am better on identifying birds than beetles.
small hand glider?
Isn't it a May bug, a cockchafer?
I am sure it's a May bug/cockchafer. They are also known as doodlebugs because of the droning noise they make as they fly. The infamous V1 flying bomb got its nickname from them.
I could add, from experience, that catching one in the face at sixty on a motorbike don't 'alf make your eyes water.
Thanks for your identifications. Nice bit of pub trivia re the doodlebug!
As to have one in the face at 60mph - how horrible and painful would that be. Most definitely a full face helmet is needed to keep the bugs at bay !!
That be a Chafer Grub Neville, not one to hit on your new motorbike!
Before Blogger lost the comments on this post a couple of people had said it was a Maybug - of cock chafer !! Anyhow I think this could damage you if it hit you out on the bike !!
Thanks for your help on Saturday - it was a real trial and not a little scary mooring up in that wind !!
A good biker can do insect identification just from the taste!
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