We are thinking of upgrading the furniture in the saloon. Its a straight choice between a couple of captains chairs or two of the chair types that make into beds as per the ownerships specifications. Any advice or contacts for either of the two options?
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20 hours ago
I detest the wretched convertible chairs we have on (ex-OS) Shadow. For one thing I've hardly ever sat in them (being a cruise-as-many-hours-as-possible man); for another they just take up so much SPACE! And that's before opening them out to be beds, and refitting the slats which have become dislodged. Once converted to beds they require everything to be removed from the floor, and for the stove to be cold because otherwise it would touch the bedding.
I'd get the captain's chairs if I were you.
Thanks for the reply and advice. I know what you mean re the chairs - time has dulled my memory of setting up and breaking down these chairs - it just means waterlily is more useable for a couple of couples leaving the dinette and kitchen free for first up. Being selfish I would opt for the captain's chairs as they always look very comfortable.
Are you tempted by the boat Andrew is blogging about looks like a good boat for a good price?
You mean Northern Pride? Yes, I had a look at the details, but it has a few minus points for me: pumpout loo and diesel heating for starters. Oh, and it's slightly too short. Other than that it looks very good! (And Barry's photos on the Northern Pride blog are so amazingly good they make me want to stop taking pictures myself.)
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