No pictures I'm afraid but one to be aware of or laugh at...
When we came up through Alrewas yesterday there was a Canaltime watering but getting involved with the big old horse that lives in the field at the back of the water point. It seems that said horse had leaned over the fence and eaten the cork ball off the key ring left in the water-point. Rachel said the boaters were trying to retrieve the cord from his mouth !!
Rachel helped by offering the horse some tasty grass as a desert which allowed the boaters to recover what was left of the cord/cork ball. He was also taking a drink from the spray of a less than perfect fitting hose....
I suspect this is this horses party trick and they were not the first but the size of him was intimidating the luckless boaters.
All part of the holiday story I expect !
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20 hours ago
ROFLMAO... thanks for making me smile Nev
The same horse frightened the living daylights out of me when I took Jade out for her last walk Sunday night. It was very dark, Jade was sniffing around and I stood about waiting for her to finish. The horse then snorted loudly and blew down my neck! If my heart had been dicky I would be dead by now!!! Made me laugh about it afterwards though. Note to myself. Dont leave the key in the waterpoint lock!
If that had happened to me I'd have been joining Leia on her late night toilet duties, LOL,
Yes we met him when we watered up at Alweras. He was trying to eat our hose and so we assumed he was thirsty and brought him a bowl of water which he slurped down quickly. We were warned he bites so he didn't get a carrot.
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