Monday, 31 October 2011

Narrowboat Sylph

Time to kill so I took to seeing what our old Ownerships boat Sylph has been up to. I was intrigued to find out she is now not a shared boat anymore and is private ownership. I'm pleased she is still floating and hopefully she is being looked after in retirement. For sure I think the shared ownership boats are the real work horses of the canal system. The run close to 48 weeks of the year and do some big distances as most owners want to travel whilst aboard.

I think they were/are some of the best designed boats out there and well build - a small nod towards Alan Mathews knowledge of what worked.

I'd love to know who now owns Sylph - I think she is up Nantwich way - so of you know please get in touch.


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

No wonder boat prices are dropping

I'm ok, not fallen in or gassed myself, just life gets in the ways sometimes. I think that has been the longest I have been without a post, but I'll catch up with the blog this week.

The reason for the post title.... click here and be concerned

I thought prices were deflated because of the housing market, in reality those in the know understand the cruising possibility of boats in the future will be severely restricted because of the terrible waste of resource and opportunity BW executive have engaged in over the last few years. Simple really if the canals are not maintained they will shut to boaters. OK for fishermen and cyclists, now we know why it is canal not canals in the new trust title. I recon at this rate my grand plans for a retirement cruise will never be realised.