Andrew on Grannybuttons and others have blogged about
shiny boats recently. It has given me a complex for sure... !!
When I had a dull boat with uninspiring colours I was sad and wanted it painting. Now I have a
great paint job and I feel I am in a class of boaters disrespected by other boaters because we are
You know I can understand this but I still want to keep my boat
shiny. I think the best looking boats are those that have a classic colour scheme that has faded....Don't Panic who moors next to us is very much in that league. A little dull on the reflections but looking used and 'classic' Problem is I fear the transition based on what I know it cost me to
metamorphose Waterlily from a grey and blue hand job (painted that is) to the classic green and red she is today.
I want to be worn and used but can't face the transition. So please be gentle with your opinion of our
shiny boat. We know we have got to wear and tear her and we will but let us enjoy our sparkly time - it won't last long I promise !!
Take care and I hope to have a few
catch ups... if nothing more than to maintain the record of our times on board.